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Ridgewood School

Ridgewood School

Year 6 Transition

If your child is starting at Ridgewood in September, please check the documents and links on this page to find all the information you need.

Welcome to all the year 6 students, parents and carers who will be joining the Ridgewood School community in September 2024. This area of our website is designed to keep you informed about our transition process.

FAQs for Students

What do I need to bring to school with me?

  • A black pen
  • A red pen
  • A pencil
  • A ruler
  • A scientific calculator
  • Student planner
  • A reading book
  • PE Kit (on the days a student has PE)
  • A bag that is big enough for school books and equipment

What lessons will I have at Ridgewood?

You will have a two week timetable which you will be given when you start All students study English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Drama, RE, Technology, a modern foreign language, Art, IT, Music, PE and PSHCE.

Will I get homework?

At Ridgewood, homework will allow you to practise your knowledge, understanding and skills, so that these are deeply embedded.

Core subjects (English, Maths, Science) could set a revision or exploration task to consolidate learning, to deepen understanding or to gain new knowledge. How much homework you receive will be decided by the department but the setting and deadline days will depend on the individual timetable.

Non-core subjects have less timetable allocation in KS3 than core subjects and in many cases only one period per week. These subjects will set homework when there is a specific learning purpose or an assessment focus.

Will I be with my friends in lessons?

Many of you are coming from a school with 30 pupils per year group to Ridgewood which has around 260 students in each year group. When we allocate students to their form groups, we use information from your primary school, including information about whether you work well with someone. You are likely to know at least one person in your form group, and in your subject lessons, but you will also soon make new friends.

What if I get lost?

Do not worry about getting lost; every student and staff member at Ridgewood has at some time! You may be unsure about which classroom you are going to for each subject, but you will soon learn your way around school.  You will study many of your lessons with your form group, so you will all move around school together.

All our teachers and students are really helpful, so if you do not know where to go all you need to do is ask and someone will point you in the right direction.

Can I bring my mobile phone into school?

Ideally, you would leave your phone at home. If you do choose to bring it to school it must be turned off and placed in your bag. If you are seen with your mobile phone during the day it will be confiscated and your parent/carer may be asked to come and collect it. If a parent/carer needs to contact you during the school day they must phone the main school number and a message will be brought to you very quickly. They must not call your phone, even during break or lunchtime.

We recommend asking your parent/carer to read the school's rules regarding mobile phones in our Behaviour Policy.

What should I do if I think I need to contact my parent/carer during the day?

Your parents will be busy at home or work during the day, so we only like to get in touch with them if it is an emergency. You must not phone your parent/carer during the day. Student Services will be able to contact your parents/carers on your behalf and pass on a message if needed.

What do I do at lunchtime?

Year 7 students come to the dinner hall 15 minutes into Period 4, at 12.40pm.  Another year group will have already been in the hall and eaten their lunch. You will either queue for a school dinner or come straight in for a packed lunch.

You buy food using a biometric scanner or pin code which is linked to a digital account on ParentPay. This means that you don’t have to bring any cash into school and your parent/carer can see what you have bought for your lunch and at break.

What clubs can I join?

Although lessons finish at 3pm, many students are part of an after school club. These typically run from 3pm until 3.55pm. There is a wide range of different clubs available, including PE, music and drama. 

Will I get detentions?

Probably not! 95% of students at Ridgewood do not receive detentions. We will go explain to you about the two types of detention, C3 (30 minutes) and C4 (1 hour), on the first day of school. We understand that you need time to adjust to our rules and expectations, so we will help and support you in the first few weeks.

Where do I go if I need help from an adult?

All adults at Ridgewood School are approachable. You can speak to any adult if you have an urgent problem. If you are unsure who to speak to, it would be best to talk to your form tutor during registration or form time.

I am nervous about coming, how can you help me?

Don’t worry, most students are nervous! We have been speaking to your primary schools who have given us lots of information about you. If they feel you need extra support, we will arrange this for you. The main thing you can do is to come to school with a positive attitude and be prepared to learn.

FAQs for Parents/Carers

When are Year 7 students going to start Ridgewood School?

Currently, Year 7 students are due to attend Ridgewood School from Tuesday 3 September 2024. 

08.40 – 08.50

Registration (in tutor group with form tutor)

08.50 – 09.50

Period 1

09.50 – 11.05

Period 2 (including morning break at 10.05 for Year 7)

11.05 – 11.25

Personal Development Programme (in tutor group with form tutor)

11.25 – 12.25

Period 3

12.25 – 14.00

Period 4 (including lunch at 12.40 for Year 7)

14.00 – 15.00

Period 5

Where do I purchase school uniform?

The Ridgewood uniform can be purchased online from

Who is my child’s form tutor?

The list of form tutors is usually issued at the end of the academic year. We will let you know who your child’s form tutor is as soon as we can.

What additional transition activities will be in place if my child has SEND?

There will be additional support for children with SEND prior to them starting at Ridgewood. Your child's primary school will be in touch with more details about how this will happen and the format it will take.

Who do I speak to if I have a concern?

Your child’s form tutor will be your first point of contact once your child has started at Ridgewood. Until the name of your child’s form tutor is confirmed by the school, please use the Contact Us form on our website to get in touch.

Where is the information about school buses?

Procedures for travelling on school transport and exact timings are subject to change, and parents/carers should check the latest guidance on the SYPTE websitePlease visit the Travel South Yorkshire website for further information on planning your child's journey to and from school. 

What will my child learn at Ridgewood?

Ridgewood offers a broad and balanced curriculum to all students. Further detail about the subjects and what is taught in each year group can be found on the Curriculum pages of the school website.