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Ridgewood School

Ridgewood School

Student Wellbeing

Your safety, as well as your happiness and personal wellbeing, are crucial to your success at Sixth Form.

As well as personalised support from your Achievement Tutor, we have a dedicated team of safeguarding staff in Sixth Form (and main school) to support you with any safeguarding concerns you may encounter.

We will ensure:

  • Students are supported to develop independent healthy and safe lifestyle choices
  • Relevant safeguarding issues are discussed and promoted during Character Curriculum time
  • The learning environment is safe and secure, and students are respected and listened to
  • Support is in place for identifying, reporting and handling cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.


Validus Wellbeing Centre

We are extremely proud to be able to offer our students Validus, a dedicated wellbeing centre equipped to meet the needs of all our young people.

Validus provides a programme of holistic support, including qualified counselling support, professional and targeted support for young people experiencing issues, and specialist support for those students experiencing stress, anxiety, depression and low mood. It also raises the profile of wellbeing for all young people and staff and effectively supports our wider school teams. This outstanding facility enables us to effectively coordinate safeguarding, child protection, welfare and health concerns through one central hub and to provide opportunities for working with families and the wider community. It is also an appropriate and confidential venue for external agency workers working with young people and their families in school.

Our Validus wellbeing Centre now has an app! You can find information on the support we offer and refer yourself (students) electronically for any of the following services:  Counselling, School Nurse, Drop-in Support, and our LGBTQIA+ Support Group.  Our improved referral system remains confidential with our counsellors managing all referrals.

To make a referral please click here or scan the QR code below.


Your mental wellbeing is extremely important, and we care about helping you feel safe and supported whilst you study.

Counselling is available at Ridgewood for any young person who feels they’re struggling emotionally and would like to talk through their problems in a confidential, safe space.

School Counsellor — Miss Abigail Firth

Some of the issues the school counsellors can help with are:

  • Anxiety & Panic 
  • Depression 
  • Low mood 
  • Self-Esteem 
  • Loneliness 
  • Abuse
  • Self-harm 
  • Suicidal thoughts 
  • Sexuality 
  • Gender Identity 
  • Relationships (friends/family) 
  • Bereavement

Please do not hesitate to reach out when you’re struggling. Your trusted staff member can help you access a counselling referral form and the school counsellor will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Everybody is welcome, no matter how big or small you feel your problem is.

Contact numbers to call/text/email should you need emotional support out of school hours:

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger

(24/7 free and confidential support)

  • Text: YM to 85258


(9am – midnight free and confidential support)

  • Phone: 0800 1111


(24/7 free and confidential support)


(9am-midnight free and confidential suicide prevention support)


(24/7 free and confidential support)

  • Text: ‘SHOUT’ 85258


Here are some helpful links offering information and coping strategies: