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Ridgewood School

Ridgewood School

School Uniform

We are pleased to share details of our uniform with students and parents. Below is an image of the uniform, and the documents that you can download on this page provide more information.

Items of Ridgewood school uniform can be purchased from the SWI website.

  • Blazer: School grey blazer with blue piping and school logo.
  • Shirt: White shirt with stiff collar, tucked in with top button fastened.
  • Tie: School clip on tie, different for each year group:

YR7 YR8 YR9 YR10 YR11
Purple/Grey Green/White Royal/Light Blue Navy/Petrol Blue Royal/Violet

  • Trousers: Charcoal grey trousers to be worn with plain black socks.
  • Jumper: Plain, V-neck grey jumper to be worn under blazer, but not as an alternative to the blazer.
  • Skirt and tights: School charcoal grey skirt with school logo, black, opaque tights must also be worn.
  • Shoes: Plain, black, flat/low heeled. Must be leather or leather effect and able to be polished.  Shoes should not be: canvas, trainers or trainer style or above the ankle - please see below for illustrations of acceptable shoes.
  • Coat: Must be able to be worn over blazer. Hooded tops/sweatshirts should not be worn as outdoor coats and therefore should not be brought into school.
  • Jewellery: No jewellery is permitted other than a small pair of stud earrings (must be removed for PE) and a simple, inexpensive watch. This includes charity bands. Only Altus, Prefect or other school badges will be acceptable.
  • Make up: should be minimal, natural looking and should not be reapplied during the school day. False eye lashes are not appropriate for school and students wearing them will be asked to remove them.
  • Nail varnish/extensions: Coloured nail varnish may be worn, however false nail extensions are not appropriate for school and students wearing these will be asked to remove them. Refusal to do so will be treated as defiance and sanctioned accordingly.
  • Hair: Lines, patterns, vivid colours are not permitted.
  • Headphones: Personal headphones are not allowed to be used in school. If, in social time or walking around school, headphones are visible either in ears or hanging out from school uniform, these will be confiscated by a member of staff.

Uniform Rules

The very high standards that we expect of our students are supported by our uniform.  Most of our students rise to the challenges we set for them, but to support the uniform looking very smart, there will be BfL consequences attached to not wearing it properly.

A C3 will be issued for:

  • Not wearing the blazer (unless it is a blazer off day as decided by the Headteacher)
  • Not wearing the correct footwear
  • Not having the top button of the shirt done up
  • Not wearing a tie properly
  • Not having the shirt tucked in

If a student arrives at school in incorrect uniform, they will be asked to change into spare uniform held at Student Services. If they refuse to borrow the uniform provided by Student Services, they may be asked to go home to change or spend time in isolation. Only a medical note from a doctor will be acceptable for wearing incorrect uniform/shoes. A pass will be issued to the student to support this exemption.

PE Kit

Indoor/summer PE kit:

  • Ridgewood PE T-shirt
  • Navy blue loose-fitting shorts
  • Navy blue football socks
  • Trainers (pumps, Vans, Converse or similar are not allowed)

Outdoor/winter PE kit:

  • Ridgewood PE t-shirt
  • Navy blue skins/underlayers can be worn underneath the Ridgewood PE t-shirt
  • Navy blue ¾ zip top or navy blue / Sky blue reversible multi sports top (optional)
  • Navy-blue loose-fitting shorts (Navy blue skort can be purchased if preferred).
  • Navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms / skins underneath shorts
  • Navy blue football socks recommended (compulsory for football and hockey)
  • Trainers (pumps, vans, converse not allowed)
  • Moulded football boots (compulsory for football and rugby – Metal not allowed)
  • Shin pads (for hockey and football are compulsory).
  • Scrum caps/mouth guards for rugby and hockey are optional

If a student is excused from PE they will require a note from their parent/carer but must still bring their PE kit so they are appropriately dressed to take on a non-active role. When students are participating in after school clubs they may wear any of the PE kit they wish provided it is suitable for the activity they are taking part in.

Other Practical Subjects:

  • An apron must be worn in Food Technology.
  • An apron may be useful for some other subjects, for e.g. Design Technology. 

Pre-owned Uniform

We hold a small stock of pre-owned uniform. These items have been donated by previous students/parents and members of our community.

To enquire about purchasing pre-owned uniform please contact main reception.

Please note that all uniform donated will be cleaned prior to redistribution.

As this service is dependant on donations, we are unable to guarantee that every item will be available in every size, however, we will always do our best to assist.