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Ridgewood School

Ridgewood School

Results and Performance

2024 Results

KS4 Validated Performance Data 2024

Measure National Average Doncaster Average Ridgewood
Progress 8 -0.03 0 -0.26
Attainment 8 45.9 44 45.6
% of students who achieved a 5+ in English and Maths 45.9 42.6 47.3
% of students entered for the EBacc 40.4 23.5 17
EBacc average point score 4.07 3.72 3.84
% of students staying in education or employment after KS4 (2022 data) 93 91 93


KS5 Unvalidated Performance Data 2024

A Level:

Number of students at the end of 16 to 18 study with an A level exam entry (for average grade measure) 97
Average point score per A level entry expressed as a grade C+
Average point score per A level entry 33.20


Number of students at the end of 16 to 18 study with an academic exam entry (for average grade measure) 97
Average point score per academic entry expressed as an A level grade C+
Average point score per academic entry 33.23

Applied General:

Number of students at the end of 16 to 18 study with an applied general exam entry (for average grade measure) 78
Average point score per applied general entry expressed as a vocational grade Dist-
Average point score per applied general entry 32.28

Tech Level:

Number of students at the end of 16 to 18 study with a tech level exam entry (for average grade measure) 13
Average point score per tech level entry expressed as a vocational grade Dist-
Average point score per tech level entry 33.33


More information about our results and performance can be found at:

Ridgewood School – Our latest Ofsted report

Ridgewood School – DfE Performance Tables

Ridgewood School – 16 to 18 Performance Table