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Ridgewood School

Ridgewood School


The RE department promotes its vision with all students and encourages them to share in it: ‘Reconsidering the world around you.’

Through the RE Curriculum at Ridgewood School we develop students’ religious literacy in order for them to live successfully in a pluralistic society. We immerse our students in rich knowledge of both religious and cultural issues, to foster their respect and advocacy for people from a wide range of backgrounds, so they are able to contribute meaningfully towards living in a cohesive community.

Our RE Curriculum will give the students the opportunity to:

  • Challenge misleading stereotypes, prejudices and falsehoods.
  • Understand how religion can shape people’s beliefs, actions and values.
  • Reflect on their own choices and develop their own ideas and opinions - shaping who they are.
  • Coherently express and justify their own beliefs and opinions; and listen to the views of others with respect and tolerance.
  • Think critically, using their knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions.
  • Ask deep and often searching questions about their own faiths and beliefs, and the beliefs, faiths and opinions of others regarding pertinent contemporary moral issues.
  • Make links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of a range of faiths and world-views studied.


Please get in touch via the enquiry form on our Contact Us page. Should you have any further questions about our RE Curriculum please contact Mrs Foster, Curriculum Lead.


Year 7

  • Belief systems - Christianity
  • Sikhism
  • Animal Rights and Environmental Issues
  • Islam

Year 8

  • Buddhism
  • Religion and relationships
  • Social justice
  • Philosophy of Religion

Year 9

  • Medical ethics: Matters of Death
  • Crime and punishment
  • Medical ethics: Matters of Life
  • War and peace


Students have two cumulative assessments each year, and they will also complete formative assessment pieces to support these between the cumulative assessment points.

Useful web links:


Overview of topics:

At KS4 students follow AQA Religious Studies GCSE Specification A.

Year 10

  • Theme A - Relationships and Families
  • Buddhist Beliefs
  • Theme E - Crime and Punishment
  • Christian Beliefs
  • Theme B - Religion and Life

Year 11 

  • Theme B - Religion and Life (continued)
  • Buddhist Practices 
  • Theme D - Religion, Peace and Conflict
  • Christian Practices

Home Learning

Students will be set exam questions/ additional research/ retrieval tasks for home learning.

Parents can support students by monitoring the completion of these tasks, reading through their work with them, and encouraging them to revise at key points of the year.

Encouraging debate and discussion of moral issues in the news would benefit your child and help them in the answering of longer evaluation questions at GCSE.

Core RE:

Students in Years 10 and 11, who have not taken Religious Studies as an option will have core RE lesson.

Year 10 - Answering the big questions - Does God exist? 

        Understanding religious family life - festivals and Rites of Passage  

Year 11-  The importance of human life - medical and legal ethics 

          Understanding religious family life - religion and worship 

Useful web links: