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Ridgewood School

Ridgewood School


Why is homework set?

All homework that is set at Ridgewood is purposeful and supports learning. Homework enables students to practise their knowledge, understanding and skills, so that these are deeply embedded.

Students are rewarded with Ridgewood Points for submitting homework and demonstrating independent extended learning. By completing homework tasks and revision activities students should also see a positive impact on their assessment results. Parents and carers will be able to view non-completion of homework on their child’s ClassCharts profile.

What homework is set?

There is a range of homework that is set at Ridgewood including independent tasks, reading and retrieval revision strategies. All students are given at least 7 days to complete any set tasks.

Further details of homework can be found in the ‘Extended Learning’ section of each Learning Map and the overview below.

Year group




Option subjects


Tasks will be set weekly including:

  • Researching topics
  • Extended writing practice
  • Retrieval practice

Tasks will be set weekly on MathsWatch

Please follow this link for the student/parent guide Student/Parent Guide


Tasks will be set fortnightly including:


Students are guided to enrichment activities that will supplement their learning, these can be found on the learning maps. Ridgewood School - Learning Maps)

Students may also be set revision tasks at suitable points in the curriculum e.g. prior to an upcoming assessment.





Weekly revision tasks are set by class teachers, which may include:

  • GCSEPod
  • Paper based exam papers
  • Paper based retrieval tasks
  • Paper based revision activities such as mind maps


Weekly revision tasks are set by class teachers, which may include:


Weekly tasks are set by class teachers, which may include:

  • Quizzes on Microsoft Forms (accessed via their email)
  • GCSEPod
  • Login – The PE Classroom
  • Paper based exam papers
  • Paper based retrieval tasks
  • Paper based revision activities such as mind maps
  • Research, preparation and practice for coursework and performances






Weekly revision tasks are set by class teachers which may include:


KS4 Revision

Further KS4 Revision support including the Revision Guide with subject specific advice and resources can be found here Ridgewood School - KS4 Revision

How can my child get help with homework?

Our school library, which has computers and internet access, is open Tuesday-Friday at lunch time and after school until 4pm.

What can my child do if they would like more homework?

Many of the online homework platforms we use at Ridgewood, such as GCSEPod, Educake and Mathswatch provide the option for students to access further tasks or support if they wish. Teachers will also be able to direct students to independent learning opportunities.

At Ridgewood, we also strongly promote reading for pleasure, ideally twenty minutes every day. To support with this students can now borrow books from the school library and also access eBooks through myON to support. There is also numerous enrichment opportunities after school that we encourage students to attend.