We are extremely proud to be able to offer our students Validus, a dedicated wellbeing centre equipped to meet the needs of all our young people.
Validus provides a programme of holistic support, including qualified counselling support, professional and targeted support for young people experiencing issues, and specialist support for those students experiencing stress, anxiety, depression and low mood. It also raises the profile of wellbeing for all young people and staff and effectively supports our wider school teams. This outstanding facility enables us to effectively coordinate safeguarding, child protection, welfare and health concerns through one central hub and to provide opportunities for working with families and the wider community. It is also an appropriate and confidential venue for external agency workers working with young people and their families in school.
Our Validus wellbeing Centre now has an app! You can find information on the support we offer and refer yourself (student) or your child electronically for any of the following services: Counselling, School Nurse, Drop-in Support, and our LGBTQIA+ Support Group. Our improved referral system remains confidential with our counsellors managing all referrals. To make a referral please click here or scan the QR code below.
A student who feels supported is more likely to thrive and reach their full potential, not just being successful in their education, but to feel content with their personal goals and attributes.
A ‘drop in’ service is available for all students who may have an issue they would like to talk about, with a trusted member of The Wellbeing Team. This service works alongside the counselling service, ultimately making The Wellbeing Centre accessible to all students.
Senior Counsellor, Miss Firth
“Having qualified as a Psychotherapist at the University of Salford in 2019, I have dedicated most of my counselling career to working therapeutically with Children and Young People. During my years working at Ridgewood, I have had the pleasure of supporting many of our students, witnessing them flourish as they notice their strength to cope through difficult times. I continue to offer a safe space for all young people (and staff) who feel they would benefit from emotional support.
I’m respectful of individuality and tailor the counselling to each individual’s needs – ultimately ensuring our young people feel comfortable, knowing their confidentiality and autonomy is respected.
My personal values as a counsellor are to be open-minded, genuine, and completely empathic of every student, and staff member at Ridgewood”
The overall aim of the counselling service is to provide a safe space for all students in need of further emotional support, wholly dedicated to improving their wellbeing.
Useful links from the Counselling Team:
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
The Doncaster School Nursing Team is a group of experienced qualified nurses and support workers who support young people aged 5-19 years and their families to stay healthy.
They work in partnership with other health services and education providers, and other wider social care and voluntary services for children young people and families.
Life can be tough as a young person, dealing with pressure from school, home, friendship groups and sometimes just feeling like no one understands you. You may feel lost and wonder what to do, where to go and who to talk to.
Please remember no problem is too small and the School Nursing Team are happy to answer any questions you may have, some of the issues they support young people with on a regular basis are:
The school nurse/s won’t discuss your personal information with anyone else without your permission, this includes parents and teachers and means that you can discuss personal information in confidence. Your information would only be passed on in order to protect you or someone else from serious harm and whenever possible they would discuss this with you first.
Young people: 0300 021 3032
Parents & professionals: 0300 021 8997
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